A Golden Love
Storyteller: Stefanie Morocco, USA

My parents met in California over 50 years ago at the Mess Hall in Long Beach. My Dad was a Marine (served 6 years, Vietnam vet) stationed in Long Beach and my mom was a waitress there. My mom Della, was from Texas and my dad Walter, was from Wisconsin. They had totally different upbringings but yet were totally compatible in many areas, their love and commitment to each other has lasted their lifetime.

What compelled you to create this photo book?
I wanted to create a photo book for my parents so that all the memories of their 50th anniversary celebration could be looked at and treasured. My parents have not even seen these photos yet, so it will be a surprise for them.

What is your favorite image and why?
Our photographer captured so many beautiful pictures, its so hard to choose a favorite. I love the image above as it really shows their happiness and love for each other. The venue was in Long Beach, perfect since that's where their love story started over 50 years ago.

What is your favorite story behind a single shot in the book?
I love the story behind the image above. My parents just played the "Not so Newlywed Game", in which they answered 5/6 questions correctly, and they were given 2 tickets for an Alaskan cruise. My parents facial expressions were captured perfectly! They truly were surprised and brought to tears, by their family and friend's generosity.