A guide to our new Mobile Upload Tool

Seamlessly print your camera roll in 5 simple steps

Your precious memories deserve more than being stored forever on your camera roll - they should be treasured in a physical, tangible format that can be shared across generations. Introducing our exciting new feature, the Mobile Upload Tool. Our innovative new tool is designed to streamline the process of importing your mobile photos directly to the MILK Design Studio. With just a few quick steps, uploading mobile photos just got a whole lot easier.

1. When importing your images, select the ‘Mobile’ tab

Screenshot of Mobile tab in Design Studio

Begin uploading your photos by heading to the MILK Design Studio. Select the ‘Mobile’ tab from the left-hand sidebar. Add photos directly from your camera roll by scanning the QR code on this tab.

2. Scan the QR code with your camera and follow the link

Screenshot QR code appearing in Mobile tab in Design Studio

Using your mobile’s camera, focus on the QR code. Follow the link to get to our photo upload landing page. Tap the button to import your photos and start selecting your images.

3. Select photos from your camera roll

Mobile phone with camera roll on screen with several photos selected

Choose any photos you wish to add to your MILK project from your camera roll. Simply scroll through your photos and select individual photos you’d like to import. Or tap and hold to select multiple photos at a time.

4. Watch your project’s image library seamlessly populate with your photos

Screenshot of imported photos in Design Studio image library

Once you've selected your photos, you'll start to witness your project's image library fill with your photo memories. You may need to wait a short amount of time for all photos to be imported. When all photos are successfully imported, you'll get the option to import more photos or start creating.

5. Continue creating on desktop

Screenshot of Landscape Photo Book being created in MILK Design Studio

After completing the import, go back to the Design Studio by choosing ‘Start creating’ to continue designing your MILK project. With the assistance of our Designer Templates and Autofill tool, you can create an elegant keepsake quickly. Learn more about creating a beautiful photo book or album fast in our blog.

We believe it's essential to properly safeguard your special moments in print. There’s nothing better than perusing the pages of a photo book or album with a loved one, versus the experience of scrolling through scattered images on a camera roll. With our new Mobile Upload tool, you can seamlessly transform your camera roll into a beautifully crafted keepsake that will be treasured across generations. Craft the perfect MILK Photo Book or Album today.

Start creating

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