Beauty in the Chaos
Storyteller: Kate Cameron-Donald, NZ

What inspires you to take photos?
I take photos to recreate the places I travel to through my own eyes - to share with others how I see the world. Mostly, the way I see color, spaces, patterns, shapes and people.

What were the reasons for your travels?
We decided to go on a family adventure. We were all in the same country for the first time in years, and travelling through India was an opportunity to spend some quality time together as adults.

What compelled you to tell your travel story in a book?
I wanted to create a keepsake of our trip for each of the family members. Photos are so much more enjoyed when they're captured in a book format and available to flick through, rather than being hidden away on a computer or phone.

What is your favorite image in the book and why?
It's so hard to choose one image! I selected each photo for the book from the thousands I took, because each one has a story to tell in it's own right! Collectively they tell a story of a journey through India, but each photo captures a special moment of that journey.

What is your favorite story/memory behind a single shot in the book?
The shot of the school girls in the tuk-tuk next to us is a special memory. These girls, on their way home from school, ended up right next to our tuk-tuk in a traffic jam. They were so excited to see us, and we were too! Despite not understanding one another other, there were smiles, laughter, jokes and an instant friendship - if even just for a few minutes. They sped off as the traffic cleared - however a few kilometers down the road we caught up to them again - and more laughter and hilarity ensued.